Privacy Policy


Your Personal Information

Personal Information is gathered by Gneiss Outdoors, LLC (henceforth referred to as “Graphite”) as for the sole use/ benefit of Gneiss Outdoors, LLC . Graphite does not sell, rent or provide your "Personal Information" to third parties, except as described below. Personal Information as used herein refers to data and facts about you which include, but are not limited to, your name, age, address, email address, financial information (account or credit card numbers), income level, phone number, etc. Personal Information is personal to you in that it belongs to you and identifies who you are. There are a variety of pathways, electronic and otherwise, by which any single element of these data can point to you personally. Personal Information does NOT include your IP Address as defined below. Personal Information is generally kept for Graphites business which is primarily used to assist you in your current or future communications and/or transactions or in analyzing sales trends.

Personal Information is primarily obtained from a form required to be completed when customers request information, products or services, including subscribing to our email list.   Personal Information that is collected by Graphite is used to bill the user for products and services, and to ship those products. Personal Information is used to send orders, information about our company, and promotional material to our customers. Personal Information is also used to get in touch with the customer when necessary. Users may opt-out of receiving future mailings by following the directions in those mailings.

Graphite may use online surveys which ask visitors for Personal Information which usually includes contact information (typically the customer's email address) and demographic information (like their zip code, age, or income level). We would potentially use Personal Information gathered from such surveys to send the user promotional material.

External Links and affiliates contain links to other sites Graphite is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such Websites.

IP Addresses & Cookies

Graphite collects, uses, and monetizes IP Addresses. An IP Address is a convention of the Internet Protocol that identifies your "virtual" address on the internet. This IP Address is not personal to you and does not identify any of your Personal Information. All devices connected to a network have an IP Address permitting communication to and from the device. If you connect to the Internet from your computer, then you have an IP Address that looks something like this: 209.11.654.142. In the simplest possible terms, your IP Address contains no data that identifies you as a person. It is only a logical address allowing you to connect to others and others to locate your computer. An IP Address can be used variously as set forth herein. We could potentially use an IP Address to help diagnose problems with our server, and to administer our Website. The IP Address may be used to help identify you and your shopping cart and to gather broad demographic information. Our site uses cookies to keep track of your shopping cart. We may use cookies for other purposes such as site personalization as well. You can reject cookies and still use the site of Graphite. However this may result in the inability for the site to recognize your cart, your account and any personalization efforts. Graphite sometimes employs other companies and individuals to perform functions on our behalf. Examples of such may include hosting our website, providing marketing assistance, providing search results and links, retargeted advertising, analyzing data, etc. These third parties have access only to IP Addresses, no Personal Information is provided to them.